Determination of N-acetylserotonin and Melatonin Activities in the Pineal Gland, Retina, Harderian Gland, Brain and Serum of Rats and Chickens

An N-acetylserotonin/melatonin radioimmunoassay (NAS/Mel RIA) and a Mel RIA were developed to measure NAS and Mel contents in tissues of rats and chickens. Anti-NAS and anti-Mel sera were produced by immunization of rabbits with NAS-M-bovine serum albumin (BSA) and Mel-M-BSA, respectively. Anti-NAS serum used in the NAS/Mel RIA reacts equally well with NAS and Mel, while anti-Mel serum used in the Mel RIA reacts specifically with Mel. The NAS and Mel levels in the pineal and Harderian gland, the retina and the brain of rats and chickens and Mel levels in chicken serum were determined using these RIAs. Levels of NAS and Mel in the rat pineal demonstrated diurnal rhythms with high levels during the dark period and low levels during the light period. The indole levels determined in this study correlate well with those obtained by other methods.