The absolute infrared intensities of two nonpolar solute molecules were determined in nonpolar solvents by extrapolating the apparent intensities to zero concentration. For CS2 the intensities were found to be 5.8×107 cm mole—1 in CCl4 in 5.2×107 cm mole—1 in C2Cl4 for the v3 (1523 cm—1) mode, and 9.5×105 cm mole—1 in CCl4 for the v2 (395 cm—1) mode. For CCl4 the intensity of the 768–797 cm—1 Fermi doublet was found to be 5.4×107 cm mole—1 in cyclohexane. The results are discussed in relation to the Polo‐Wilson, Person, and Buckingham expressions for the gas to solution intensity ratio. Modifications of the dielectric expressions were investigated.

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