Buoyant density separation of cells. I. The buoyant distribution of guinea pig bone marrow cells.

Guinea pig bone marrow cells were separated by buoyant density utilizing linear gradients of bovine serum albumin (BSA). It has finally become possible to characterize the cells present in the density fractions in terms of classical morphology. The development of the Cell Type computer program which calculates the percentages of the individual types of cells present in the fractions and their buoyant density distributions and plots the data has greatly facilitated and improved the accuracy of these studies. Approximately 40 cell types were observed in guinea pig bone marrow. Cells with definitive morphologies such as erythrocytes, the neutrophilic series, the binucleate blast megakaryocyte precursor and cells in mitosis band as virtually single peaks. Cells which are parts of continua or can easily be wrongly classified are found in multiple peaks. The small lymphocytes which are known to be polydisperse are found as five peaks. Because of the very strong benzidine staining by the glutaraldehyde-fixed hemoglobin, some of the erythroblasts were wrongly staged, resulting in a multimodal distribution. The presence of macrocytes further complicated these distributions. The rule that the younger cells are always less dense than the mature cells was adhered to in those cases where the cells could be definitively characterized, such as the neutrophilic series and the blasts. These results indicate that morphology is a good first approximation of reality.