Calorimetric studies of the interaction of magnesium and phosphate with (Na+ and K+ion)-dependent ATPase: evidence for a ligand-induced conformational change in the enzyme

The phosphorylation of (Na+, K+)ATPase from the electric organ of the electric eel is dependent on Mg2+. The amount of phosphoenzyme formed was increased by K+ and decreased by Na+. Kinetic analyses indicate that a ternary complex of ATPase, Pi and Mg2+ is formed prior to phosphorylation of the protein. Calorimetric studies revealed extraordinarily large enthalpy changes associated with the binding of Mg2+ (-49 kcal/mol) and of Pi (-42 kcal/mol), indicating a thermodynamically significant conformational change in the enzyme. The dissociation constant for the binding of Mg2+ and Pi derived from calorimetric measurements is in good agreement with the value obtained from the kinetic studies. These results indicate that ion binding induces a conformational change in the enzyme which is a prerequisite for phosphorylation by Pi.