Calcific Embolization Associated with Valvotomy for Calcific Aortic Stenosis

Calcific emboli were observed in 38 of 62 patients (61 per cent) who died at varying intervals following aortic valvotomy for calcific aortic stenosis. Major coronary embolization occurred in 10 patients (16 per cent) and was considered to be a major cause of death of four patients. Minor coronary embolization occurred in 33 patients (53 per cent) and was not directly implicated as a cause of death in any patient. Calcific emboli occurred to other organs in eight patients (13 per cent). The technics instituted for reducing the incidence of embolization—occlusion of coronary ostia, diligence in detection and removal of any debris, and final aspiration of the left ventricle—appeared to have had a favorable effect.