Pulmonary and ventilatory responses to pregnancy, immersion, and exercise

To examine the effects of pregnancy, immersion, and exercise during immersion on pulmonary function and ventilation, 12 women were studied at 15, 25, and 35 wk of pregnancy and 8–10 wk postpartum. Pulmonary function and ventilation were measured under three experimental conditions: after 20 min of rest on land (LR), after 20 min of rest during immersion to the level of the xiphoid (IR), and after 20 min of exercise during immersion at 60% of predicted maximal capacity (IE). Forced vital capacity remained relatively constant, except for a decrease at 15 wk, for the duration of pregnancy. Expiratory reserve volume decreased with a change in the pregnancy status and with the duration of pregnancy. However, the forced vital capacity was maintained by an increase in the inspiratory capacity during pregnancy. Forced expiratory volume for 1 s, expressed as percent of forced vital capacity, did not differ significantly between conditions or as a result of pregnancy. Forced vital capacity was lower during the IR trial compared with LR and IE trials. The decreased forced vital capacity of the IR trials was mediated by a decrease in the expiratory reserve volume. Whereas the inspiratory capacity increased during IR and IE compared with LR, the increase was not large enough to offset the decrease in the expiratory reserve volume. Resting immersion resulted in a significant decrease in maximal voluntary ventilation as did pregnancy. Pregnancy resulted in significant increases in minute ventilation (VE), which were related to increases in the O2 consumption.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)