A method of estimating the contribution of the direct interaction mechanism (d.i.m.) to the ionization process in β decay is proposed. It is restricted to the same energy range EβEb (Eβ is the kinetic energy of the β-particle, Eb is the binding energy of the atomic electron) as the conventional theory, but is based on independent information emerging from experimental impact cross-section data. Following Williams, the ionization by external impact is ascribed to two factors: (a) direct collisions, corresponding to low impact parameters; (b) glancing ("photoeffect") collisions corresponding to large impact parameters. We assume that the contribution of factor (a) to the ionization cross section is the same both in external impact and in β decay, and evaluate the contribution of factor (b) to the impact cross section by means of the Weizsäcker-Williams method. By subtracting this contribution from the experimental impact cross section, we get the d.i.m. cross section. We apply this procedure to the calculation of the d.i.m. ionization probabilities Pd.i. of the following β-active isotopes: Na22, P32, Y90, Pr143, Ne23, and Ar41. In opposition to the predictions of the conventional theory, according to which δPd.i.Ps1, (Ps is the shake-off probability), our results, although approximative, suggest that the K-shell ionization probabilities are affected, sometimes in a decisive manner, by the d.i.m.; we get for Y901<δ<2 and for Pr1432<δ<4. This conclusion is in line with independent experimental results by Charpak, Suzor, and Spighel on low-energy electrons accompanying β decay. Further experiments to check this conclusion are proposed, and possible explanations of the failure of the theory are suggested.