The compound butaclamol hydrobromide crystallizes in space group P21/c with cell dimensions; a = 14.38(3), b = 13.31(3), c = 12.07(3) Å, β = 101.64(8)°. The structure was solved by Patterson methods and non-hydrogen atoms have been refined isotropically using a full-matrix least-squares to an R value of 0.17 for 779 observed reflections.The compound dexclamol hydrobromide crystallizes in space group P212121 with a = 8.412(2), b = 24.392(7), c = 10.465(2) Å. Refinement of non-hydrogen atoms using isotropic thermal parameters and rigid aromatic rings converted at R = 0.090 using 1249 observed reflections, for the preferred enantiomorph, and R = 0.099 for the other enantiomorph.Both compounds have their hydroxy groups in the axial position, and both adopt conformations of the seven membered ring such that the C13b hydrogen atom experiences a flagpolebowsprit interaction with a hydrogen atom of C9.

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