Study of the Reactionπ++p→Σ++K+near Threshold

The reaction π++pΣ++K+ has been studied in the momentum range 1037 through 1065 MeV/c with specific regard to the determination of s- and p-wave amplitudes. If we represent these amplitudes near threshold by S12=a0k12, P12+2P32=b0k32eiχb, and P32P12=c0k32eiχc, the following results have been obtained from an analysis based on 274 events: a02=(3.31±0.87)×105 mb/sr-MeV/c, b0a0=0.0075±0.0026, c0a0=0.0062±0.0023, χb=52.1±8.0 deg, χc=80.8±27.2 deg. An alternative set of solutions exists for χb=52.1 deg and χc=99.2 deg.