A model for trace-element distribution in silicate structures

Summary: This paper presents an extended version of the local lattice deformation model of solid solutions (J. T. Iiyama, 1974b). It has been assumed previously that a foreign atom fixed in a crystal causes local lattice deformation, which prevents another foreign atom from occupying the deformed zone. The resulting entropy of the solid solution from this model can explain the particular behaviour of ion-exchange reactions observed with alkali and alkali-earth elements in feldspars and in muscovite. The present version assumes that the deformed zone does not prohibit foreign atoms, but that the number of foreign atoms acceptable in this region depends on the total numbers of foreign atoms already fixed in the crystal. The model is applied successfully to explain ion-exchange isotherms observed with Cs, Na, and Li in micas and permits an estimation of the apparent reaction constant of the ion exchange. This is otherwise impossible because of the lack of ideal dilute-solution behaviour in exchange isotherms even at the IO ppm range of the foreign element fixed into the crystal. It is demonstrated that the model can explain the particular behaviour of Li in sanidine.