Neuropsychopharmacology and the Affective Disorders

AmphetamineThe acute stimulant and euphoriant effects of amphetamine in man are well established,173 but this drug is of little value in the treatment of the major depressive disorders. Amphetamine inhibits the neuronal uptake of norepinephrine in brain; increased levels of normetanephrine-3H and decreased levels of tritiated deaminated catechol metabolites are found in brain after intraventricular injection of norepinephrine-3H.147,148, 174 , 175 Amphetamine also appears to release norepinephrine and dopamine from neurons.148, 176 Because of these and similar findings, it has been suggested that amphetamine might exert its central effects indirectly by releasing catecholamines and preventing the inactivation of these monoamines at . . .