Families, parks, gardens and toxocariasis

Toxocara canis antibody titres were measured in members of 30 families. 73/140 (52.1%) family members were seropositive for T. canis at a dilution ⩽1:50 and 11 (7.8%) had reciprocal titres ⩽800. Toxocara ova were sought (a) in relation to the 30 families and (b) in the community. No toxocara ova were found in household dust samples. 38% of family gardens contained toxocara ova while 6% of soil samples from public parks and open spaces around housing estates were positive. None of the faecal specimens from pet dogs were positive for toxocara ova as compared to 6.2% of stray dogs. 5.3% of canine faecal samples from the streets contained toxocara ova. In this study household garden soil was a potentially greater source of toxocara infection than soil in public parks and open spaces.