Localization of c-ras oncogene family on human germ-line chromosomes.

The c-ras family is a set of c-onc genes that are highly conserved in vertebrates. The genes in this family are homologous to the transforming genes of Harvey and Kirstein murine sarcoma viruses (v-Ha-ras and v-Ki-ras, respectively). Using an in situ molecular hybridization method, three sites were detected on the human pachytene chromosomes that exhibited significant hybridization to v-Ki-ras and v-Ha-ras probes. These were chromomere positions that corresponded to bands 11p14.1, 12p12.1 and 12q24.2 of somatic chromosomes. The relationship between these chromosomal sites and previously defined members of the human c-ras gene family is discussed. These chromosomal sites are known to be involved in specific chromosome changes in a variety of tumors and in several congenital disorders that predispose to neoplastic disease.