Chloride Accumulation by Mung Bean Root Tips

Net uptake of Cl into root tips of mung bean (Phaseolus aureus) increases steadily with increasing external concentrations from 1 to 60 mm. Membrane potentials were measured to determine the equilibrium concentration of Cl in the tissue which could be due to diffusion. This concentration was readily exceeded in both the relatively nonvacuolate tips (0 to 1 mm) and the vacuolate, mature upper sectons (1 to 11 mm) of the roots. The activity coefficient of both cytoplasmic and vacuolar Cl, measured with Cl sensitive microelectrodes, was approximately the same as that of a pure KCl solution of the same concentration. It is concluded that the “second mechanism” of ion uptake involves a large increase in the rate of active transport at the plasmalemma as the external concentration is increased above 1 mm.