The Glyoxalase Content of Human Erythrocytes and Leukocytes

In normal blood, the mean glyoxalase activity is 64.4 mg (50-70) of methylglyoxal disappearing per 1010 erythrocytes per hour at 37[degree]C. The amount was usually, but not invariably, increased in reticulocytes and young cells. The amount was increased in macrocytes of megaloblastic anemias, and decreased in true microcytes of thalassemia. Glyoxalase was present in erythrocytes in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and in leukoblasts, cells of the neutrophilic and lymphatic series and probably eosinophiles. The leukocyte-erythrocyte glyoxalase ratio ranged from 1:1 to 4:1.[image]R. Isaacs.