A simple and reliable method of detecting variant transthyretins by multidimensional liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.

Transthyretin (TTR) variants cause amyloidosis. A method, originally reported by us, of detecting the variants by high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESIMS) using materials precipitated with anti-TTR antiserum, has been successfully applied by several institutions. The method is simple and reliable, but some variants may not precipitate with the antiserum or may precipitate in different yields compared to normal TTR. Moreover, unidentified minor peaks were observed, which may have been derived from cross reactive materials. We have now devised a new procedure to overcome these problems. An anion exchange and reversed phase liquid chromatography system and ESI mass spectrometer were connected in a tandem fashion using a 6 port valve and a protein trap cartridge. The profile of ion peaks by the method was the same as that by MS with immunoprecipitates. The minor peaks were proved not to be derived from cross reactive materials, and the molecular species of these peaks were characterized. This method is faster than immunoprecipitation method and using no antibody is a great benefit. The method can be applied widely to the study various proteins, when antibodies are not available.