Vaginal candidiasis.

Three hundred and eighty eight patients from the out-patient service of the "10 de Octubre" Maternal-Infantile Hospital were studied and 126 (32,46%) out of them were infected with Candida genus organisms. Ninety nine (78,57%) patients had C. albicans; 16 (12,69%) patients had C. tropicalis; 9 (7,14%) patients had C. parakrusei; 1 (0,79%) patient had C. krusei; and 1 (0,79%) patient had C. guilliermondi. Leukorrhea predominated in 42% of patients; vaginal pruritus predominated in 22%; and low abdominal pain predominated in 16%. 80% of patients over 50 years had diabetes mellitus. The concurrent flora was as follows: flora 1 in 14,49% of patients; flora II in 2,91%; and flora III in 82,60%. 7,14% of the 126 infected women also had Trichomonas vaginalis.