Thalamic projections to S-I in macaque monkey

The organization of thalamic input to functionally characterized zones in primary somatosensory cerebral cortex (S-I) of macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was investigated using the method of labelling by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). It was found that the cell columns positioned at the posterior margin of the band of cortex representing a given body region receive thalamic input from a posterior level of the ventroposterior thalamic nucleus (VP), and that cell columns at successively more anterior positions within that band receive input from successively more anterior levels of VP. The extreme posterior and anterior margins of the S-I hand, foot and face areas receive input from neuron populations which are not as widely separated in the anteroposterior dimension of VP as the neurons projecting to the extreme anterior and posterior margins of the proximal limb and trunk representations in S-I. These characteristics of the organization of the projections from VP to S-I are consistent with the view that the body representations in VP and S-I have the same connectivity and differential submodality distribution; and with the idea that thalamocortical connections only exist between functionally equivalent neuron populations in VP and S-I.