Composition, Solubility, and Stability of Whey Powders

Eleven samples of acid and sweet whey powders from a wide geographical area were analyzed for general and amino acid composition. Acid whey pow- ders from standard cottage cheese proc- esses averaged ll.4g total protein. One acid whey powder from high heated cot- tage cheese milk and another from lactic acid casein manufacture contained only 8.8 and 9.3% total protein. The )),sine in commercial acid whey proteins was slight- ly higher than in whole casein. Compositionally, acid and sweet whey powders differed in protein, lactic acid, mineral elements, and lecithin. Calcium and phosphorus in eight acid whey pow- ders averaged 1.78 and 1.13% and in three sweet whey powders .62 and .77g. Acid whey powders had a higher zinc content, 41.7 ppm, than sweet whey pow- ders, 9 ppm. Sodium and potassium and most phospholipids and vitamins (ribofla- vin, thiamine, and ascorbie acid) did not vary appreciably between acid and sweet whey powders, but lecithin was higher in sweet whey powders. Solubility of whey powders in water and ha 5% ethanol in water ranged from 91.4 to 99.7% and in 5?o sodium chlorine solutions, 72.8 to 98.27o. Acid whey pow- ders generally were more stable to stor- age at room temperature than sweet whey powders. Microorganisms in acid whey powders were few.

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