The Mobile Hospital- an experimental telemedicine system for the early detection of disease

To detect early disease, especially lung disease, we created a new telemedicine system, called the Mobile Hospital. It consists of a satellite or ground communication system using a large vehicle in which is installed a whole-body spiral computerized tomography scanner and a multimedia telecommunications system. The Mobile Hospital goes to small villages and carries out mass screening for early lung disease, especially lung cancer. It travelled over 8000 km from May 1996 to March 1997. In this period 6358 persons aged 50-85 years and younger heavy smokers were screened in the Matsumoto area. As a result, 37.7 of the subjects were suspected of having various latent lung diseases. The cost of medical treatment for the lung cancers detected by the Mobile Hospital was 44 of that for a conventional medical care group, and the length of hospital treatment with surgical operation was 30 of that of the conventional group.