Stage of Development Response and Recovery of Radish Plants from Episodic Exposure to Simulated Acidic Rain

Greenhouse-grown radish plants were exposed to repeated applications of simulated acidic rain at pH values from 2·6 to 5·0 in order to determine whether growth and yield responses to acidic rain change with stage of development and whether plants have the capacity to recover from injury during rain-free intervals. Solutions contained low concentrations of cations and anions common to rainfall of the eastern U.S. and sulphate to nitrate mass ratios of 2/1. One-hour rain events were simulated by application of solutions through rain nozzles to plants on rotating turntables. Seedling were more susceptible to repeated applications of simulated acidic rain than older plants as indicated by foliar injury and reductions in the dry mass of shoots and hypocotyls. However, exposures at an intermediate stage when plants were growing most rapidly caused the greatest reductions in dry mass of marketable size hypocotyls. A rain-free interval, after a series of exposures to simulated acidic rain, allowed plants to recover from injury and compensate for growth reductions. Lengthening the duration of rain-free intervals between exposures to simulated acidic rain enhanced the capacity of plants to recover. These results indicate that the interaction of increased tolerana to acidity at certain growth stages and recovery from injury during rain-frec intervals with the episodic nature of rainfall should be considered when determinations are made of reductions in yield from repeated exposures to rainfall with a pH sufficient to cause foliar injury (below approximately pH 3·4).