The fatty acid composition of human depot fat

The fatty acid composition of the depot fat from 12 subjects, both normal and atheromatous, was studied by gas-liquid chromatography and alkaline isomerization. The site from which the fat sample was taken had very little effect on its fatty acid pattern. Human depot fat was found to contain 42-51% of oleic acid, 21-30% of palmitic acid, 5-8.5% of pal-mitoleic acid and stearic acid, 5-8% of "linoleic" acid and under 3% of acids with more than 2 double bonds. Significant amounts of odd-numbered and branched-chain fatty acids, C18 and C10 saturated acids and of tri-unsaturated acids (trienes), pentaenes and hexaenes occur in human depot fat. The fatty acid composition of the depot fat is similar to that of the glycerides of plasma and milk as determined by alkaline isomerization and iodine values; it also shows some similarities with that of the phospholipids of these sites but not with the cholesteryl esters or total plasma fatty acids. No significant differences were found between the depot-fat composition of normal and atheromatous subjects, excepting possibly an increased concentration of tri-unsaturated acids, particularly in relation to the dienes and tetraenes, in the atheromatous samples.