Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation ofP31in Diamagnetic ThP and the Paramagnetic State of UP

The spin-lattice relaxation time T1 and free-induction decay time constant T2* for P31 as functions of temperature and applied magnetic field have been studied in diamagnetic thorium monophosphide (ThP) and the paramagnetic state of uranium monophosphide (UP) (antiferromagnetic below TN125°K). Both compounds have the same NaCl-type structure and similar low electrical resistivities, so that the effect of the magnetic character of UP is manifested in the different behavior of the relaxation times in UP as compared with ThP. T2* has been determined from the shape of the Bloch decay following a 90° pulse; T1, from the amplitude of the Bloch decay following a 180°-90° pulse sequence. Pulse measurements have been carried out at 4, 8, and 12 MHz and 77-303°K; the values obtained are consistent with the previously reported continuous-wave (cw) data. In ThP, T2* is 140±5 μsec and is independent of temperature and magnetic field, while T1T=16.2±0.8 sec °K is constant. This supports the metallic behavior and the Korringa mechanism for the relaxation. The ratio of the experimental T1TKe2 to the theoretical Korringa value is 1.95±0.25, which is comparable to that of other metals. In UP, T2* values are 15-70 μsec, with the same temperature and field dependence as the cw linewidth. The T1 values are three orders of magnitude shorter than in ThP, but increase with temperature, and T1T increases strongly with temperature. However, when the T1T values are combined with the Knight shift K in UP, a Korringa-type relation T1TK2=(38±6)×106 sec °K is obtained, with a value of 24±4 for the ratio of the experimental T1TK2 to the theoretical Korringa value. This ratio is higher than in most metallic materials. The Korringa-type relationship between T1 and K in UP suggests that the relaxation is founded in the same mechanism as the Knight shift, namely, an indirect coupling between the P31 nuclei and the uranium localized moments via the conduction electrons. The results in UP are compared with those in βUH3, which shows a different behavior in the paramagnetic state, and with other recent results.