Studies of adenovirus-SV40 hybrid viruses. IV. An adenovirus type 2 strain carrying the infectious SV40 genome.

The monkey kidney propagated Ad. 2 strain, Ind. 2, carries the infectious SV40 genome in Ad. 2 capsids; the tlter of adenovirus-encapsidated SV40 is 10- to 100-fold lower than the adenovirus infectivity, but is 105- to 106-fold greater than the titer of free SV40. A single adenovirus-encapsidated SV40 particle can initiate replication of SV40 in AGMK cells, but production of adenovirus and of adenovlrus-encapsidated SV40 requires dual infection. The encapsidation of infectious SV40 genome in Ad. 2 capsids may be an example of genomic masking.