The composition of tea infusions examined in relation to the association between mortality and water hardness

SUMMARY Recent epidemiological studies have shown that death-rates from certain chronic diseases are higher in areas with soft than in areas with hard drinking-water. In the striking negative correlation found in the county boroughs of England and Wales between cardiovascular mortality and water hardness the important underlying factor is apparently the water calcium. Interest is therefore focused on the dietary significance of calcium present in drinking-water. In relation to that interest, the present report gives a quantitative account of the composition of tea infusions prepared with waters containing different amounts of calcium. It is shown that a substantial part of water calcium is taken up by the tea leaf during the preparation of infusions. The analysis of the infusions covers a wide range of individual components, including trace metals and polyphenolic substances. It appears that the principal change caused in infusion composition by the presence of calcium in the water is a substantial reduction in the relatively high oxalate content. The question is raised whether there may be some connexion between the ‘ water factor’ in cardiovascular disease and the absorption of oxalates from foods.