The Effect of X Radiation on Antibody Formation.

Young adult rabbits were given 800 r total body X-irradiation (250 KV) 24 hrs. prior. to intraven. immunization with sheep cells (1 cc. of a 2% suspension). Hemolysis titers were detd. on serum obtained before immunization and at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after immunization. Animals thus irradiated and immunized either developed no demonstrable hemolysin titer or developed titers of 1-80 or 1-40 which were demonstrated on the 21st day or the .28th day, respectively, after immunization. In normal animals hemolysin titers of 1-5120 were produced by the 10th day after the intraven. admn. of the antigen, diminishing to titers of circa 1-160 by the 28th day. Rabbits given 800 r total body X-radiation exclusive of the surgically-exteriorized, Pb-shielded spleen or appendix retained the capacity to produce hemolysin titers significantly higher than control irradiated nonshielded animals. Hemolysin titers as high as 1-5120 were attained in the individual animals of the Pb shielded appendix and spleen shielded groups by the 14th day after immunization. These expts. corroborate Hektoen''s findings that antibody formation is suppressed by total body X-irradiation. In addition, it has been demonstrated that if the spleen or appendix of the rabbit is Pb-shielded during irradiation of the balance of the body, the capacity to produce antibodies to an injected particulate antigen is retained, even though lymphatic tissue elsewhere in the body is largely destroyed.