We propose an approximation procedure for studying dynamical symmetry breaking that closely parallels scalar field models of spontaneous symmetry breaking. We focus our attention on the role a deep scalar bound state plays in effecting a phase transition. We show that a viable approximation to the effective potential must contain all one-particle-reducible bound-state pole structures. This dictates a Dyson equation for the self-energy even in the simplest approximation. For theories with 4-field interactions this can reduce to a closed-form Hartree approximation. We look at trilinear interactions where the Dyson integral equation is intractible because of its nonlinearity. Without linearizing the Dyson equation we extract a bound-state contribution to the effective potential. We end up with a generalized effective potential that is a function of classical fields representing the bound state. We show that this contribution displays the proper phase transition when the theory becomes unstable due to a composite tachyon.