Photon-stimulated desorption of solid neopentane

The positive-ion yields and kinetic-energy distributions resulting from the photon bombardment of solid neopentane [(CH3)4C] have been measured for photon excitation energies between 17 and 45 eV. The ion (>94%H+) appearance potential is at 20 (±1) eV with a yield maximum at 24 (±1) eV of 2×107 ions/photon. For all photon energies, the ion-kinetic-energy distribution peaks at 1.9 (±0.25) eV and is broadened asymmetrically to higher kinetic energies. These results indicate that the process responsible forH+ desorption near threshold is a C 2s Rydberg-type level excitation followed by decay to a final state involving several valence holes and at least one electron in a Rydberg-type level.

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