Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Human Tissue—Hawaii

Tissues from 44 autopsies with as many as 12 tissues from each autopsy set were analyzed for some common organochlorine pesticides. Levels are reported as parts per million of whole tissue and extracted lipid for DDT, dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene (DDE), DDD. dieldrin, and heptachlor epoxide. Subjects ranged from 28 weeks gestation to 88 years of age; adult tissue was significantly higher than young tissue in the level of total organochlorine residue measured. Values for adult tissue do not differ markedly from that found in other parts of the world. Subjects with the highest total residues in the tissues were those with evidence of emaciation, a variety of carcinoma, and extensive focal or generalized pathologic condition of the liver. From the data, speculation is offered about the significance of lipid residue levels and influence of routes of entry.