Consumption of whole-grain foods by British adults: findings from further analysis of two national dietary surveys

Objective: : To assess the consumption of whole-grain foods in different age and sociodemographic groups in Great Britain, using data from two national surveys.Design: : Cross-sectional analysis of the consumption of whole-grain foods.Setting: : The 1986–87 Dietary and Nutritional Survey of British Adults and the 1994–95 National Diet and Nutrition Survey of people aged 65 years and over.Subjects: : In 1986–87, 2086 British adults aged 16–64 years; 1189 British adults aged 65 years and over in 1994–95.Results: : In the 1986–87 survey population, consumption of whole-grain foods increased with age. Median consumption of whole-grain foods was 1 serving per week in 16–24-year-olds and 3 servings per week in the 35–64-year-olds (P P < 0.001). The main sources of whole-grain foods were wholemeal bread and breakfast cereals, which accounted for more than three-quarters of all servings.Conclusions: : Consumption of whole-grain foods in the adult UK populations is more prevalent in the non-smoking, higher socio-economic groups. Amongst consumers of whole-grain foods, the frequency is similar to that reported in the USA and Norway.