The Effect of Interstitial Hyperthermia on the Dunning Prostate Tumor Model

The effect of hyperthermia was examined on the Dunning prostate tumor model in rats. Hyperthermia was created by heating self-regulating interstitial seeds with an external oscillating magnetic field. The seed alloy was comprised of 70% nickel and 30% copper. One treatment with 50C seeds for two hours did not provide significant delay in tumor growth compared to controls. However, regimens with two treatments separated by either 48 hours or one week did cause significant delay (p = 0.0013 and p = 0.0096, respectively). These results suggest that an interstitial hyperthermia seed may provide an efficacious outpatient therapy for prostate cancer. Further, interstitial hyperthermia may be readily combined with existing radiotherapy with interstitial gold coated seeds to provide additive or synergistic anti-tumor effects.