Measurement of the2S1222P322Energy Separation (ΔES) in Hydrogen (n=2)

We have measured the 2S122P32 energy separation (ΔES) in the n=2 state of atomic hydrogen by an atomic-beam radio-frequency method. We used a beam of metastable atoms in the single hyperfine state βA(F,mF=0,0). The electric dipole transitions βAb(F,mF=1,+1) and βAd(F,mF=1,1) were observed at fixed frequencies by sweeping the Zeeman magnetic field parallel to the beam axis. Measurements of the frequencies of the rf field used to drive the transition and the magnetic fields at the line centers of the resonance curves, along with the theory of Zeeman splitting were used to determine the zero-field splitting (ΔES). Our final value of (ΔES) is 9911.250 ± 0.063 MHz, where the quoted uncertainty is one average deviation from the mean. Using the revised experimental value of the Lamb shift, SH=1057.90±0.10 MHz, we obtain ΔE=10 969.15+0.12 MHz. The corresponding value for α1 is 137.0356 ± 0.0007.