Study of yeast mitochondrial tRNAs by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: characterization of isoaccepting species and search for imported cytoplasmic tRNAs

By two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, yeast mitochondrial tRNA is fractionated into 27 major species. All but 6 of them migrate distinctly from cytoplasmic tRNAs. Migration of mitochondrial DNA-coded mitochondrial tRNAs shows the occurence of only one cytoplasmic tRNA in mitochondria. Several mitochondrial tRNA spots are identified on the electrophoregrams, some of them show isoaccepting species (Val, Ser, Met, Leu). It is suggested that there are sufficient mitochondrial tRNA genes on yeast mitochondrial DNA to allow mitochondrial protein biosynthesis by the mitochondrial tRNAs alone. Guanosine + Cytidine content and rate base composition are reported for some individual species. Mitochondrial tRNAPhe lacks Ribothymidine.