Details are given of a double-blind trial involving 400 cases in which tetracycline 500 mg. four times a day for 7 days was compared with tetracycline 250 mg. four times a day for 14 days and also of the findings in 311 cases treated with Deteclo 300 mg. three times a day for 3 weeks. The treatment in the double-blind trial were equally effective and appeared to be as effective as the long-term Deteclo therapy. When the results of these treatments were compared with those obtained previously with tetracycline 250 mg. four times a day for 4 days and allowance was made for the time at which the latter results have been assessed, it was concluded that neither the treatment used in the double-blind trial nor Deteclo 300 mg. three times a day for 3 weeks offered any advantage over the customary treatment with tetracycline 250 mg, four times a day for 4 days.