Olfactory esthesioneuroblastoma

Esthesioneuroblastomas are human malignant tumors, usually of slow, invasive growth and low metastatic rate. Skeletal destruction must be assumed to be common, but is often demonstrable only by tomographic sections. Clinically these tumors do not differ from others of the same site, so that the diagnosis must be based on the histological appearances. In the light microscope the presence of neurofibrils is considered a specific differential diagnostic factor against other small cell malignant tumors in this region. There seems to be no basis for a morphological classification into previously described subgroups, neither according to histogenetic, light, nor ultramicroscopic findings. The general degree of differentiation and the number of mitoses appear to be the main factors of prognostic significance. Combined irradiation and surgical excision is considered the best treatment.

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