Naturally Occurring Isoantibodies of the S Blood Group System in Cattle

Several normal sera with naturally occurring antibodies reactive with cattle cells possessing the subtype factors U1 and U2 are described and two representative ones are more fully characterized by absorption analyses. It was shown that these sera detect a new specificity called U′, possessed by U2 and not by U1 cells. The results indicate strongly that the antigenic specificity called U2 is qualitatively different from U1. The new U′ reagents are useful in distinguishing cells containing U1 and U2 from those containing U1 only. The naturally occurring antibodies exhibit a marked prozone, which is a distinctive feature that may have contributed to the failure to detect this specificity before now. A development of general interest is the illustration that differences in specificity between two reagents can not always be detected by their patterns of reactivity with even a large panel of known cells.