Complexes of the type Nipic2X2, Nipic3X2.nH2O, and Nipic3(ClO4)2.H2O have been prepared and studied, where X is Cl, Br, or I and pic is the chelating ligand 2-picolylamine. Conductance measurements in nitrobenzene, nitromethane, methanol, and water show that the blue compounds Nipic2X2, whilst being hexacovalent complexes in the solid state, are progressively ionized in the respective solvents as halogen is replaced by solvent molecules. Conductance measurements also verified a hexacovalent structure for the Ni pic32+ ion complex whose salts are bi-univalent electrolytes. Magnetic measurements show that a11 the complexes are paramagnetic with a mean moment of 3.0 B.M. Their absorption spectra in the near ultraviolet region are characteristic of that of the ligand. A study in the visible spectrum was also made.