Correlation of Mehlich 3, bray 1, and ammonium acetate extractable P, K, Ca, and Mg for Alaska agricultural soils

Soil test recommendations currently used in Alaska are based on a limited amount of in‐state data along with consideration of data from other states. Recently, Mehlich 3 extractable P has been found to be highly correlated to yield on representative agricultural soils in Alaska. To fully use its multi‐element capability, a study was conducted to correlate Mehlich 3 extractable P and cations (K, Ca, and Mg) with the P and cations extracted by the Bray 1 and ammonium acetate methods respectively. When Mehlich 3 extractable K and Mg were regressed with ammonium acetate extractable K and Mg respectively, the relationship was essentially one‐to‐one and the relationship held across all soils tested. Significant variation was observed among soils in the extraction of Mehlich 3‐P and Ca relative to Bray 1‐P and ammonium acetate‐Ca. Individual soil character appeared to affect the regressions for extractable P and Ca, even though the R2 values were generally high. The regression slopes for Mehlich 3‐P versus Bray 1‐P ranged from 1.01 to 1.88 with Mehlich 3 extracting an average of 66% more P than Bray 1 in the volcanic ash soils, and 12% more in the loess soils. The regression slopes for Mehlich 3‐Ca versus ammonium acetate‐Ca ranged from 0.95 to 1.33, and the former extracted an average of 17% more Ca than the latter. It is suggested that the regression data of P and Ca can be extrapolated to other soils based on soil classification; to extend the soil test data over a geographic base.

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