Localization of angiotensinogen messenger RNA in rat aorta.

The distribution of angiotensinogen messenger (mRNA) was determined in the rat aorta. Other investigators have demonstrated the presence of angiotensinogen mRNA in whole rat aorta; however, its precise location in the blood vessel wall has not been defined. When various layers of the vessel wall were separated by dissection or cell dispersion, angiotensinogen mRNA levels were greatest in the periaortic adipose tissue. Angiotensinogen mRNA was present in very small levels in the adventitia, with no detectable levels in the muscle layer. In addition to periaortic adipose tissue, angiotensinogen mRNA was also present in the interscapular brown fat pad of the rat. The high levels of angiotensinogen mRNA in periaortic brown adipose tissue suggests that angiotensin may be synthesized there and responses may exist in this tissue or adjacent sympathetic nerve terminals.