Endocrinology: Recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone and ovarian response in gonadotrophin-deficient women

Seven women suffering from hypogonadism due to previous hypophysectomy, isolated gonadotrophin deficiency, or Kallman's syndrome [median age 39 years (range 24–45)] volunteered to participate in a study to assess ovarian response following multiple-dose administration of recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (rhFSH; Org 32489). Baseline serum FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were 0.25 (<0.05–1.15) IU/l and 0.06 (15 mm) in these patients. It may be concluded from the present study that (i) rhFSH exhibits no intrinsic LH activity; (ii) rhFSH stimulation in hypogondotrophic women resulted in an immunoreactive INH rise which was similar to that in normal women, whereas in contrast only a minor increase in oestradiol concentrations was observed (suggesting normal granulosa cell function and low availability of androgens as a substrate for aromatization); (iii) despite the minimal oestrogen increase, ovarian follicles developed normally to the pre-ovulatory stage.