Laser Systems For High Peak-Power Applications

Large scale programs are underway at major laboratories to study the feasibility of laser-induced fusion. The laser requirements for this investigation are formidable and it is estimated that powers in the range of 100 terrawatts with total energies of 105 to 106 joules may be needed. A major fraction of the effort has been directed toward the development of high-energy short-pulse lasers which can meet these requirements. The parameters of the CO2 laser system have been extensively studied and it appears that the efficiency, energy density, bandwidth, and optical damage limits are compatible with the requirements. The scaling laws are also now well understood. Based upon these results, several large carbon dioxide systems have been developed by the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. The first system has been in operation for several years at a power of 0.2 terrawatt with a focused intensity of 5 x 1014 W/cm2. A second system with power and energy outputs increased by an order of magnitude will be operating presently. Succeed-ing systems are being planned and developed to extend this performance to the range of interest for laser fusion energy production.