Sex Pheromone Chemistry of the Eastern Spruce Budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana1

Chemical analyses of glands from virgin female eastern spruce bud worm by capillary GC show three major classes of compounds: 14-carbon aldehydes, acetates and alcohols. Each class consists of an E11/Z11 unsaturated pair with an E/Z ratio of 95/5. The corresponding saturated compounds in each class are also present at 2–3% of the E11-components. E11-14:Ac is the major component of the gland, 30–40 ng/insect with E11-14:Ald and E11-14:OH at 1–3 ng/insect. Analysis of female effluvia collected on Porapak Q® and pumping chamber washes show the presence of four compounds, E11-14:Ald, Z11-14:Ald, 14:Ald and E11-14:Ac (95:5:2:0.2). Rate of emission of E11-14:Ald from 2–3 day old virgin females maximized at 20–40 ng/insect/night. Preliminary field data indicate that attractancy of lures containing all four components present in a similar source ratio to a calling female is not significantly different from lures containing E11/Z11 unsaturated aldehydes alone.