Bilateral MRI-Guided Stereotactic Cingulotomy for Intr actable Pain

As a treatment of patients with intractable cancer and noncancer pain, bilateral radiofrequency cingulotomy was performed in 10 patients. The technique in-volved stereotaxis using magnetic resonance guidance and local anesthesia, with the placement of a radiofrequency lesion (75 °, 60 s). Of the 10 patients, 8 had metastatic le-sions with musculoskeletal (6) or neurogenic (2) pain. Pain relief was judged excellent (4 patients), fair (1), poor (2) and excellent for 6 months poor in the last patient. The two benign lesions were neurofibromatosis with neurogenic pain and thalamic pain from an old stroke. Pain relief (with 1 year follow-up) in this group was judged excellent in one and poor in the other (thalamic pain).