Infrared absorption and reflection studies of organic radical salt: K+TCNQ−

The bulk reflectivity and absorption (using alkali halide matrices and thin film dispersions) of polycrystalline K+TCNQ in the wavelength range between 30 and 4000 cm−1 have been examined in detail. The sharp reflectivity peaks have been analyzed using a classical oscillator fitting procedure to give the peak and oscillator parameters. Most of the observed infrared peaks have been assigned to the fundamental modes of TCNQ and lattice vibrations. The temperature dependence of the CN stretching peaks in particular have been studied in the 300–433 °K temperature range. The reversible and gradual disappearance of one set of CN stretching peaks in K+TCNQ has been tentatively linked to a possible cell halving phase transition at Tc∼379 °K. The results are compared with the spectrum of Rb+TCNQ which is isomorphous with the postulated high temperature phase of K+TCNQ.