Studies in immunochemistry. 16. The isolation of blood-group active mucoids from ovarian cyst fluids

Twelve preparations of mucoid material were isolated from ovarian cyst fluids and found to behave as single molecular species on electrophoretic and ultra-centrifugal analysis at pH 8. Serologically, 4 were group A1, 5 H1 and 1 each of A2, B and A1B blood-group substances. There was some correlation between serological specificity and chemical composition. The galactose: hexosamine ratio is about 0.6 for A, 1.2 for H and 1.5 for B. The ratio fucose: hexosamine is lower for group A preparations than for H. The variation in chemical composition encountered among the H substances is greater than with A substances. Evidence suggests that the blood-group genes do not control the formation of a single product but of a multiplicity of similar but not identical materials, each of which possesses the same dominant specificity within the ABO system.