Studies on 26 sera of gamma-plasmacytoma showed that the plasmacytoma globulins, previously considered as homogeneous, under suitable experimental conditions with starch gel electrophoresis can be separated regularly into a large number of different individual and reproducible subfractions. These subfractions lie in a range which extends from the [alpha]2-magrobulins to beyond the cathodic limits of the normal gamma-globulin fraction. Accordingly, these protein components have an electrophretiv mobility clearly distinguishable from a normal 7 S-gamma-globulin. A similar heterogenous composition of the gamma-globulin fraction was never observed in normal serum and previously only once in a serum with strong dysproteinemia (Lupus erythematodes). Since this condition is to be found regularly in plasmacytoma, it can be used for diagnostic evaluation. Moreover, it has theoretical interest insofar as that by it the existence of "paraproteins" may be considered as certain. Accordingly, several protein components are synthesized by the neoplastically proliferating plasmacytoma cells.