Light microscopic and ultrastructural observations of a metastasizing malignant epithelioid schwannoma

The light microscopy and ultrastructure of a malignant eipthelioid schwannoma are described. Characteristic cells resembling perineural elements with various degrees of differentiation were observed. Primitive epithelioid cells contained scant ergastoplasm, and few tubules and filaments, but did have abundant free ribosomes and Golgi membranes. Also noted were junctional complexes and focal fusion of plasma membranes, basal laminae were absent. Better differentiated cells were completely limited by a well-developed basal membrane and had an abundance of intracytoplasmic filaments and multiple pinocytotic vesicles. The intercellular ground substance was composed of numerous fine collagen fibrils and amorphous, basement membrane-like, electron-dense material. A striking ultrastructural similarity of the tumor cells to those encountered in ethylnitrosourea-induced malignant schwannomas in rats was noteworthy.