Distance of the image plane from metal surfaces

The data base of surface-state energies on the metals Cu, Ag, Au, Ni, Pd, and Pt is assembled and, with the aid of a simple model, is used to estimate the distance of the image plane and its trends from surface to surface and metal to metal. The model combines a nearly-free-electron representation of the crystal with a Jones-Jennings-Jepsen ansatz for the saturated image barrier. The projected bulk-band gaps are taken from published determinations. Constraints are placed on the surface barrier parameters by appeal to the results of self-consistent first-principles slab calculations. The general experimental trend observed is for the image-plane distance z0 to decrease in the sequence (111) to (001) to (110), in the same sense but not as rapidly as zJ, the distance of the effective jellium edge. This trend is rationalized using a simple model of the tail of the surface charge density. Typical values for z0-zJ fall in the range -0.2 to +0.5 a.u., with the larger values occurring for the 3d metals Cu and Ni.