The enzyme hyaluronidase has been implicated in the process of fertility primarily as the result of the following reports. McClean and Rowlands1and Fekete and Duran-Reynals2showed that the ovum in the fallopian tubes is covered with many follicular cells which are embedded in a thick, viscous gell-like material. Before the sperm can penetrate the ovum, these cells must be dispersed and the sticky gel covering removed. This material which holds the follicular cells to the ovum has been shown to be hyaluronic acid, a polysaccharide, which, according to Meyer and Palmer,3is composed of equal molecular parts of glucuronic acid and acetylglucosamine. This polysaccharide forms a loose combination with body proteins and appears to play an important role as an intercellular cement. It is found in all mesenchymal tissue and is in high concentration, especially in human umbilical cord, synovial fluid and pleural and ascitic fluid