Nuclear Structure ofNa22.I. Gamma-Ray Correlations and Lifetime Measurements for Levels ofEex<3.1MeV

Levels of Na22 below an excitation energy of 3.1 MeV have been investigated through the F19(α, nγ)Na22 and Ne20(He3, pγ)Na22 reactions. Gamma-ray spectra from the first reaction were recorded with an 8-cc Ge(Li) detector at 90°, 0°, and 166° to the α beam using CaF2 targets and α energies between 4.0 and 7.0 MeV. Spectra were similarly recorded at 90° for EHe3=5.65 MeV in the second reaction. These studies were supplemented by γγ coincidence measurements with both NaI(Tl)-NaI(Tl) and NaI(Tl)-Ge(Li) γ-ray detector combinations. Gamma-ray angular distributions were measured at Eα=5.48 MeV using the F19(α, n)Na22 reaction and pγ angular correlations were measured at EHe3=5.65 MeV using the Ne20(He3, p)Na22 reaction. From these measurements excitation energies and γ-ray decay modes were determined for the levels below 3.1-MeV excitation, information on spin-parity and isotopic-spin assignments was obtained, and values or limits for the mean lifetimes of the levels were extracted from observations of the γ-ray Doppler shifts. An isotopic-spin assignment of T=1 was made to the Na22 1.952-MeV level; all other levels in the range 0.7<Ex(MeV)<3.1 were assigned T=0. Upon combining our results with previously available information, we deduce the following spin-parity and lifetime information {Eex(MeV)[Jπ; τm(psec)]} for the third through eleventh levels of Na22: 0.891 (4+; >8), 1.528 (